Monday, May 10, 2010

Random part

hello world...
today was an ordinary monday.
woke up.
looked myself in the mirror.
and its depressing.
got ready for college.
its the old same routine
walk pass the guard house.
head to the cafeteria.
grab a chocolate-chip muffin with a can of coffee.
and rush to class.
it was chemistry in the first slot.
well i've like chemistry.
so its a deff i enjoy chemistry classes.
well well.
after that.
i've dropped my mathematics 3c/3d
got me all down today.
all depressed.
all stressed out.
life can be so fucked up.
dad told me to do what i think is the best.
love dad for that.
on the other hand
i'm thinking about my futureeee.
what am i going to do in life
it's like there's no clear cut at all.
i don't see where am i heading to!
lord! have mercyyyy.
after all that drama.
the blank stares.
the cries.
went for psychology.
went for english.
and sat for biology topic test.
and came back home in the rain.
one test down, twoo more to goooo.
i'm exhausted people.
good night world,
till i write again.


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